
by Newtown High School



MyCyfle allows you to connect with Newtown High School using your CyfleID.

MyCyfle allows you to connect with Newtown High School using your CyfleID. The app displays features such as your timetable, detentions, term dates and your Cyfle Coin balances and rewards.Version 2 brings with it a new design, latest news, better QR support, attendance and dinner menu support, Student Assembly suggestion changes and homework integration.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Attendance Issue, I have never missed a day, yet I have 94%

Mr Manifold

This is literally the only app that does not spy on your data. At least on the play store.

Crush Fruits

I just don't like school

Ruby Collison

It glitches ALOT and I've never missed a day and it says atendence 39%

blu bear

This app is brilliant because I can always check what lesson I have or homeworks and more!!

ivelina ivanova

This app sucks


Need to update time tables had a full summer to do it

bailey jerman

No, nein, nag ydw, non

Connor Griff

This app is a useful tool for me but there should be a way to download the timetable as a pdf or something similar.

Tafy Tafy

It won't let me update it so I can't get the new update 😱😭

Chloe Nevill-Bond